SHARP team visiting the Northern Lights terminal and HNAR seismic array outside Bergen
The highlight during our May consortium meeting was a site visit to the Northern Lights terminal in Øygarden and the HNAR seismic array at Holsnøy.

SHARP team with the Northern Lights terminal in background ( Photo: Catalina Acuna, Northern Lights )
At the Northern Lights visitor centre Catalina Acuna from Northern Lights gave us an excellent overview of the Northern Lights project and monitoring plans. From the boat, we got an overview of the site and could witness the first CO2 terminal being built.
In Holsnøy the SHARP team gathered around the HNAR seismic array station number 5 and Bettina Goertz-Allmann from NORSAR explained how the array is set up, the plans for a permanent array and we discussed how the array will contribute to the monitoring of CO2 injection in the North Sea. And of course we had to test the sensor with a jump!

The HNAR seismic array on Holsnøy recording our jumps at station 5.
As we gathered in Holsnøy, we also took a closer look at the exciting bedrock exposed in this area. The Eclogite with its beautiful red garnet crystal can be fond in many locations and Philip Ringrose form NTNU explained about the formation of this rare rock from deep in the crust.

Lunch on the Eclogite rock formed in the deep crust in a subduction zone.